“I never knew you.” Those sound like such harsh words to hear from a loving person. However, they are not harsh when you look at them from the perspective of the speaker telling the truth. Imagine a random person walking up to a house during a funeral reception and saying they wanted to go in and mingle with the loved ones of the dead, and the owner of the house says “I’m sorry. You cannot go in.” And the person…..
What an awesome blessing it is to be loved by the LORD, to be known by the LORD, to be held by the LORD, to be washed by the LORD. I was worshiping my Father at the edge of the throne, knowing that I was not worthy to be in His presence. I think evil thoughts, I get angry with people. I get frustrated. I have hurt people. I am unworthy. But I thought upon His goodness. I sang to…..
Isn’t it interesting how there is a physical representation of things spiritual? Physical Baptism, Spiritual Marriage The Lord asks that we be *baptized* after we have been taught thoroughly His Words and confess Him as Lord (Matthew 28:18-19). It is a physical washing representing the spiritual washing done by the Word. It is a marriage conducted in public with witnesses. It needs to be done only once and done intentionally. The vow is not to be taken lightly. Baptism, like…..