This is a letter that I have written with Biblical backup for wives who want their homes to be powerhouses of prayers, and in obedience, for husbands who will be receptive to this letter of encouragement and truth. When the enemy tempted Jesus in the wilderness, He responded with “It is written… .” I have provided you with the Words of Jesus to use to defeat the enemy in your marriage and make it a powerhouse of prayer. We will…..
What an awesome blessing it is to be loved by the LORD, to be known by the LORD, to be held by the LORD, to be washed by the LORD. I was worshiping my Father at the edge of the throne, knowing that I was not worthy to be in His presence. I think evil thoughts, I get angry with people. I get frustrated. I have hurt people. I am unworthy. But I thought upon His goodness. I sang to…..