Isn’t it interesting how there is a physical representation of things spiritual?
Physical Baptism, Spiritual Marriage
The Lord asks that we be *baptized* after we have been taught thoroughly His Words and confess Him as Lord (Matthew 28:18-19). It is a physical washing representing the spiritual washing done by the Word. It is a marriage conducted in public with witnesses. It needs to be done only once and done intentionally. The vow is not to be taken lightly.
Baptism, like marriage, is a one time thing. The vow said in the presence of God, Jesus, the angels, people and the earth is a covenant. It is automatically present daily so that if you break the vow, your own words of confession judge you. If you uphold it, they uphold you.
Physically Eating the Bread of Communion, Spiritually Filled With the Word
The Lord asks us to *eat* His flesh and *drink* His blood. In the old and new testaments, we see prophets asked to eat scrolls to be filled with truth that they would share with God’s people. This can be seen in Ezekiel 3:1-3, Jeremiah 15:16, Revelation 10:9-10, Psalm 119: 101-103. The scrolls are as the Word… and we know “the Word was made flesh!”
We physically eat the communion to represent our mental and spiritual consumption of the Word.
It wasn’t until the food was consumed that He gave the drink. The drink washes down what was consumed and helps it sit. The blood of Christ is what makes the knowledge we gain from eating the Word sit inside of us. It prevents us from being constipated, dormant and useless with knowledge. It helps us know that we can live by the Word and obey. Because it is the blood that activates the Spirit and gives us power. With the blood, we can enter boldly before the throne of God (Hebrews 4:15-17).
Jesus said that as often as we eat and drink his flesh and blood in communion with each other, we remember Him. This one is not a one time thing. We need to be in a constant state of remembering the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ that we may be encouraged that we too will be glorified if we do not faint. The communion (not necessarily as done in churches today) does not have the power of the tongue or confession. It is knowledge and a one-on-One thing. Only knowledge that is applied matters. What we eat and drink is a reminder to encourage appropriate living.
Where eating is concerned, recall that the Word says it is not what goes into a man but what comes out that makes him unclean. The flipside is that it is not what goes in that makes him clean but what comes out. Think of the parable of the good soil: good seed was planted in soils but it was only the good soil that bore fruit. Something good went in to the different types of soil but only good soil bore fruit. Also, evil “doers” even if they are gospel hearers are not known by Christ (Matthew 7:23).
What is inside of you is not what really matters but what you portray. The physical works hand in hand with the spiritual so that all righteousness may be fulfilled. You cannot say God knows you are humble in the spirit when you treat people poorly outwardly. Your outward portrayal IS the state of your spirit. Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked.
Match your physical with your spiritual. Consume the Word daily. Be reminded of the blood of sacrifice, and partake of the holy communion with brothers and sisters in Christ. When you are ready to commit to Christ, make your vows, marry Him in public and be baptized.
Thanks be to God. Amen