Happy #VIOLENTWednesday and Merry Christmas to you. Today, let us pray for our children. . . “Father, we praise and hallow your name. You are an amazing Father and You give such good gifts to your children. We don’t deserve all the awesome things You do for us. Daddy, we pray that You teach us how to be as amazing to our children as You are. Let us protect them, watch them, provide for them, be patient with them, and chastise them…..
Merry Christmas, my loves. . . Thank You Jesus for coming to the world and dying on the cross for us. . . “For unto us a child is born. To us a Son is given.” . . #valley #mountain #fromvalleytothemountaintop #preciousnwachukwu #Jesus #Christ #womeninministry #womenofGod #christianwomen #christianmen #TonyEvans #sermon #preaching #merrychristmas #babyJesus #holidays
The Bible speaks a lot about health and sickness. A good portion of my book addresses health and how to be in good health. I had a crisis that forced me to truly appreciate the health God gave me. I hope you take some time to read this fourth chapter on “Health.” . . Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Have fun with family! ❤ . . #valley #mountain #fromvalleytothemountaintop #preciousnwachukwu #Jesus #Christ #health #sickness #whole #merrychristmas #book #debut #author #crisis #grateful
Good day, followers of Christ. . . I enjoyed listening to a powerful worship song recently. During ministration, the songstress said “God says ‘seek Me and you will find Me.’ Ask God now what you desire from Him. You will find Him.” This is the result of prosperity preaching unfortunately. It has made its way into the mindset of our worship leaders, whom I love and appreciate. This is a false teaching. . . Here is the truth. When God…..
My Saturdays are all about relationships. I love to meditate on why the LORD would make the Sabbath day sacred and holy, and its significance in our present time. How does it show His love for us? . . I love to meditate on God’s relationship with us. I am always tickled by how much of a lover and a romantic He is, how He is so jealous and demands ALL of our love and nothing less. . . Here…..
Has someone’s sweet words ever brightened up your day? Maybe you responded: “you just made my day.” It’s a real mental health thing. . . So, Proverbs 16:24 says “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” Pleasant words can heal at the moment of sharing. It can make a bitter heart sweet, mend a broken heart, cause a desolate soul to laugh. . . Today or tonight and every day and every night, decide…..
#valley #mountain #fromvalleytothemountaintop #preciousnwachukwu #Jesus #Christ . . Credit to from @bymaanaa (@get_regrann) – 🖤🖤🖤 Thank you for everyone who’s supported and still supporting me over the years. The truth is we all need each other to grow. I know people write off their friends, loved ones etc due to one or two reasons, but let’s not forget that you cannot grow alone or be successful all by yourself. Let’s learn to be appreciative towards each other, help and feed off good energy from each other. As long…..
I love this image because testimony is directly related to gratitude, which is directly related to joy, which is directly related to forcing your mental health to be good. . . I will share what the Lord taught me this week. . . As I read the Word and meditated, I noticed how much Jesus (who is God) kept giving thanks to God the Father. It was almost shocking. Note that I have always noticed it but each time I…..
#VIOLENTWednesday again. The days are flying by. Today, let us pray for the land to be healed (2 Chronicles 7:14). . . “Father in Heaven, we hallow Your Name and bow before Your throne. Dear Jesus, we come ready to serve You and glorify You and Father in Your Name. Holy Spirit, we give you full control over our lives right now. Father, please forgive our sins as we forgive others. Let no sin prevent our prayers from getting to You…..
The “From Valley to the Mountaintop” book was written out of pain and revelation. Severe chronic insomnia showed up unexpectedly. Father used my tears, suffering and struggle to birth this book and show me what I was lacking in my faith… and what I had to show others that they were lacking, so that we all may be healed. . . “From Valley to the Mountaintop” by Precious Nwachukwu is a long letter to the people of God. . ……