Happy #VIOLENTWednesday and Merry Christmas to you. Today, let us pray for our children. .
“Father, we praise and hallow your name. You are an amazing Father and You give such good gifts to your children. We don’t deserve all the awesome things You do for us. Daddy, we pray that You teach us how to be as amazing to our children as You are. Let us protect them, watch them, provide for them, be patient with them, and chastise them when they are wrong. .
Father, we dedicate them to Your service. May they always work for You. Surround them with godly people. Help us to be godly so that what they imitate in us will be pleasing to You. .
We cover them with the blood of Jesus. When they sleep, let them sleep in safety. When they rise, let them rise strong. .
They are blessed and highly favored, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!!
#valley #mountain #fromvalleytothemountaintop #preciousnwachukwu #Jesus #Christ #children #kids #parents #God #prayer .