#valley #fromvalleytothemountaintop #preciousnwachukwu #God #protector . . Credit to from @omakaria (@get_regrann) – My second #WCW today goes to every single female out there: every baby girl, every little girl, every teenage girl, every adolescent girl, every young woman ,every middle aged woman, every old woman out there, who has a story. You may have been abused, raped, touched, slapped, hit, mocked, spat on, punched, ignored, disrespected, unappreciated, or hated at some point in your life. It may have left you open, vulnerable and with your fists up,…..
We must pray for faith and humility. . . You never know how much faith you have or lack until you are tested!! . . My dear brother Peter truly truly believe he could never deny Christ. But he failed the test. He feared for his life over loyalty. But because God is a forgiving God who sees and knows our potential, and knows how to extract it for His glory forgave Peter and used him to build His churches……
Isn’t it interesting how there is a physical representation of things spiritual? Physical Baptism, Spiritual Marriage The Lord asks that we be *baptized* after we have been taught thoroughly His Words and confess Him as Lord (Matthew 28:18-19). It is a physical washing representing the spiritual washing done by the Word. It is a marriage conducted in public with witnesses. It needs to be done only once and done intentionally. The vow is not to be taken lightly. Baptism, like…..