Yup yup!! It’s #TESTIMONYThursday again. It is a day where we share our testimonies, express joy over what God has done directly or through those in our loves, or, like we will do today, give testimonies from the Bible. Writing out “loud” at the end of each day, 3 things you are grateful for that your spouse did that day, that God did for you that day, your children etc. did for you that day, improves your mood and helps you quench every negative feeling towards everyone in your life. I try to do it right before bed. But spiritually, it is so much more powerful than just feeling good about the day.
In Mark 6, Jesus fed the 5000 with five leaves of bread and two fish, and had baskets of food left over afterwards. You notice that He gave thanks before He performed the miracle. In Mark 14, before the Lord broke bread and gave drink, He gave thanks. Jesus was constantly giving thanks.
I was convicted to do this yesterday. In conversation with God, I started thanking God for my vision, my legs, food, etc. As I did this, I thanked God for my lack of sleep the night before and said, “Dad, it would be great if I could sleep great though.” That open, thankful statement roused something. It brought about a series of questions from the Lord, which revealed suppressed emotions. I was set free from something yesterday. I felt a load go off my shoulders. .
Today, I encourage you to be deliberate and honest about your #thanksgiving to God. Before you eat, really mean what you pray when you thank God for food. I hope you receive a #miracle too.
With love ❤,
Precious .
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