Good day, disciples. It’s #TruthMonday. I enjoy motivational speakers because they help people fight mental health issues. However, when God’s Word is used for motivation, it has to be truth or I take offense. Apologies in advance to those whom this might offend. .
It is #truth that when we are disobedient, Father God allows calamities to befall us. Please see Leviticus 26:14-39. However, when we repent, He who is exceptionally loving, welcomes us back and replenishes us. See Isaiah 54:7 and Leviticus 26:40-46
In this video, Mr. Osteen implies that God does not stop blessing us when we are living in sin. This is unfortunately not biblical. Now, my post is only if he means God, the Father of Jesus, and not some other god. I say, “Go to God in prayer and to His Word especially Galatians 5 and find out if you have been in sin and need to repent. Also, since sacrifice is needed for cleansing, if Jesus is not your Lord and Savior, make Him so for He is your eternal sacrifice. ”
Truth is: you might be in a tough spot because the Lord is trying to bring your attention to repentance. It could also just be a test IF you have thoroughly examined yourself and the Lord shows you nothing. Find out. Do not assume the best. Fear God. He wants you cleansed and saved.
Be blessed.
Precious .
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