I know it’s #Testimony day but I’m constantly meditating on the Word, even while working. So, here you go. Something to think about. .
In Genesis 1:27, God says He made “man” in His own “image.” He made “male and female.” Then, it goes on to say that He gave us rulership over the things He had created. .
People sometimes argue about what God’s image is. Several go with the somewhat “sexist” view (in my opinion) that God is male and He was speaking about the men when He mentioned “image.” But how true can that be?
God Himself says that no one has seen Him and so, no one can create anything in any likeness and claim that it is God the Father. Also, the Word says that God is spirit (not flesh). So, could it be that He was speaking to the spirit that He gave both male (“man”) and female (“woman)… MANkind? Could it be that your spirit and my spirit (Strong’s G4151, a neuter genderless noun) were created to reflect God’s Spirit? .
A Spirit that does not speak in vain. That never doubts. That even though has power, has compassion, love and mercy to go with it? So that you and I should speak to situations and expect them to obey as the Father speaks? So that you and I can love each other with quickness but be slow to anger, as God is? So that you and I can be kind to the environment, as God is?
To say God is “male” might mean that you are daring to assume that you or someone else has seen God. The flesh (parts that make us male or female) is flesh but let the spirit be spirit. It is unencumbered by gender. It just wants to speak to its Creator and learn the truth and obey. Cast down all imaginations and everything that hinders and worship God in the truth of your spirit. Amen!
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